Our Providers

Karen Kallio
Doctor of Audiology
Meet Karen Kallio
Dr. Karen Kallio earned her Bachelors of Science in Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology from West Virginia University, her Masters in Audiology from University of New Mexico and her doctorate of Audiology from Arizona School of Health Sciences.
With 20 plus years working for Ear, Nose & Throat practices around the country, it was time to open her own practice Kallio Audiology & Hearing Care of Lexington, Inc. She sees patients primarily in Lexington with satellte offices in London and Richmond. She specializes in adult and pediatric diagnostics and the fitting of hearing instruments. Married and the mother of two sons, Dr. Kallio spends her free time with her family. She is an advocate for recycling and has taken on many philanthropic activities but still manages to enjoy summer weather, the beach, traveling, reading and cross stitching.
- KY Board of Speech Language & Audiology
- KY Licensing Board for Specialists in Hearing Instruments
- American Speech-Language Hearing Association
- Amercian Academy of Audiology
- HLAA (Hearing Loss Association of America)
- KAA ( KY Academy of Audiology)
- Lexington Lions Club